In 2016/17, Childline delivered 2,132 counselling sessions about child sexual exploitation (CSE) online, which includes online grooming, online sexual harassment and engaging in sexually explicit activity online.

Inspired by the recent CSE Awareness Day 2018, we released a series of video briefings from our CEO Jim Gamble QPM, to raise awareness about Child Sexual Exploitation. Read on and watch the videos below to gain a better understanding of what to look for, if you think a child is a victim of CSE.

Introduction to CSE

When we are talking about Child Sexual Eploitation, let’s be clear; we are talking about child abuse.


Predators will groom and flatter a vulnerable young person. They may shower them with compliments or gifts or extend the hand of friendship – the greatest gift of all. Predators will then indoctrinate a child and manipulate them into behaving in a way that goes against their character or nature.