Restrictions, Resources and Top Tips
Coronavirus continues to spread in the UK, disrupting education and placing pressure on health and social care services. As misinformation continues to thrive online, it’s now more important than ever to make sure you get your information from a trusted source.
To support your remote and home learning efforts we have compiled a list of helpful resources. Feel free to share this information with your family, friends and colleagues.
Below, we’ve also included a non-exhaustive list of top-level guidance related to education and childcare across each UK region. Due to the comparative nature of restrictions and responses, all regions have been included.
Key Safeguarding Information for Schools:

England is currently under national lockdown measures with schools to remain closed until at least February mid-term. Schools will remain open for children of critical workers and vulnerable children and young people. Children of critical workers should not attend if a parent/carer (who is a critical worker) can work from home. Children without laptops or access to the internet in their homes in England are classed as vulnerable and can still attend school in person.

Wales (Cymru)
Wales entered national lockdown and schools will move to remote learning until the 18th January 2021. Schools will remain open for children of critical workers and vulnerable children and young people.

Mainland Scotland has moved into a temporary lockdown, with new stay at home guidance, although some Islands will remain at level 3 protection levels. The Scottish Government has released guidance intended to support a phased start to the school spring term 2021. Schools will remain closed to most children until at least the 29th January but will remain open for children of critical workers and vulnerable children and young people.

Northern Ireland
Additional restrictions came into effect on the 26th December for 6 weeks (to be reviewed after 4 weeks). Schools are to provide remote learning to pupils until the half-term break in mid-February and will only remain open for children of critical workers and vulnerable children and young people.

Isle of Man
The Isle of Man has now entered its second lockdown. Schools will be closed to most pupils for 21 days as of the 7th of January and will be kept open for vulnerable children and those whose parents are critical workers.
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