Snapchat launching new features and releasing AI chatbot to all users
- Snapchat is launching two new shared Story modes, one is called “Communities” which is for people interacting within the same school.
- The other is called “After Dark” which will allow users to add a story after 8pm and only friends who have posted to the after Dark story will have access to view the Snaps when they’re shared the next morning.
- Snapchat have also announced that they are updating its Memories feature in launching “Friendship Flashbacks” that will show the user old Snaps saved between themselves and a friend.
- A new location-sharing mode called “Live Location” will enable a user’s location to be shared indefinitely.
- They’re adding a “Popular Last Night” tag to the Snap Map to let users see where their friends were hanging out last.
- Snapchat is also releasing its AI chatbot to everyone for free.
- For further updates please visit the Verge and the Guardian website.
Southend grammar school installs cameras in toilets
- Cameras have been fitted in two washroom areas of male toilets in a sixth form block in Essex.
- There has been “repeated” incidents of vandalism and the school seeks to ensure that every area is a safe place.
- The headteacher assured that a consultation would be made with teachers and parents before a decision is made to turn the cameras on.
- All necessary safeguarding issues have been considered and the cameras will only be used where there is no violation of privacy.
- For more on this story, please visit the BBC News website.
NHS criticised for sending patients to children’s hospital despite 1,600 ‘sexual safety incidents’
- A series of investigations highlighted how the NHS continued to send vulnerable patients to a children’s hospital ran by Huntercombe Group despite repeated allegations of systematic abuse.
- 1,643 “sexual safety incidents” had been reported over four years at its Maidenhead hospital.
- The majority of reports were made prior to 2022-23 but the NHS did not take any action and only stopped using the hospital this year.
- The private unit is due to close after the Independent highlighted allegations of verbal and physical abuse leading the NHS to stop sending new patients.
- The Department of Health and Social Care have launched a “rapid review” of mental health services following the exposé of allegations at Huntercombe Group.
- For more on this story, please visit the Independent website.