Reading Time: 3.1 mins

September 19, 2023

Young people ditching ambitions over UK cost of living crisis, research finds

  • A survey of 18–24-year-olds for Prince’s trust found that two thirds had lowered their career expectations.
  • Jonathon Townsend, UK Chief Executive of the Prince’s Trust, stated: “This research provides a blunt warning that the cost-of-living crisis threatens the futures, aspirations and wellbeing of an entire generation, if we do not act now”.
  • A lack of self-confidence was cited as one of the biggest problems by young people in achieving their ambitions, along with lack of opportunity and experience.
  • 73% of those questioned, were anxious about their futures because of the cost-of-living crisis. Over two thirds thought they would never be financially secure.
  • The report also found the cost-of-living crisis had forced over a quarter of the young people questioned to either leave education or start thinking about leaving it.
  • Vicky Nash, associate director of policy, campaigns and public affairs at Mind stated: “When the country is struggling with widespread economic difficulties, it can really affect the mental health of younger people, with jobs being harder to find and worries about our financial safety being an everyday occurrence.”
  • For more, please visit The Guardian website.

The following stories may be regionalised:

Transformative student finance bill becomes law

  • New measures will allow colleges and universities to charge different fees for different courses for the first time and will open up opportunities for adults to study in a way that works for them.
  • from 2025 the Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE) will give adults access to loans, worth up to £37,000 that they can use flexibly over their working lives to upskill or retrain.
  • LLE will also mean people can take out a student loan to pay for full-time courses such as university degrees or Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) as well as individual modules of courses.
  • Individuals who have already taken out a loan for a degree, will be able to use the rest of their entitlement to study subjects that will help them gain skills that employers are desiring. For example, studying individual modules of degree courses or HTQs.
  • In preparation for the introduction of LLE, a new £5 million scheme has launched to encourage universities and colleges to develop and offer individual modules of HTQs in a flexible way.
  • For more, please visit the GOV.UK website.

Bedwas Infant School: Samurai sword and air rifle found

  • An infant school went into lockdown after a samurai sword and air rifle were discovered on the school grounds.
  • Detective Chief Inspector Mike Preston, from Gwent Police, said the school was locked down to keep the children and staff safe from “any potential harm”.
  • He has stated they will be looking into how these items made their way onto school property and confirmed that no one was in danger at any time.
  • For more, please visit the BBC News website.

Caldicot teachers to strike after assaults from pupils

  • Staff in Caldicot School say they do not feel safe working there and were balloted about strike action in July.
  • NASUWT union said the staff will strike on the 21st and 28th of September and a further four days of strikes are planned during October.
  • A statement from NASUWT also accused the school of “failing to provide appropriate support to staff in dealing with violent and abusive behaviour”.
  • Patrick Roach, general secretary of NASUWT stated that by choosing to strike, staff are “sending a clear message that they will not tolerate threats to health, safety and well-being of themselves or their pupils”.
  • He continued: “Nor will they accept management’s attempts at intimation when attempting to stand up for their rights at work”.
  • For more, please visit the BBC News website.